Friday, April 01, 2005

Wasted time...wasted ..just wasted

Haven't been very professional at late.

In fact, very unprofessional at far, i can say that this is the worst that i have acted in my professional career.

Ever since, i submitted my resignation letter...i havent been acting wisely. I come to work depending whether i actually like it or not. Yesterday, i come at 2.00 p.m. and today 10 p.m....the desire to be at my working place is virtually none.

Personally, this is not like me...even my last stint, i wasnt like this.Gracious to the very last...and very professional till the very end. Perhaps this is wrong.

Deep inside..i wanted this to happen actually. I will come when i wanted to come...and acted the way i act. I have given everything i can give to the very best of my ability till the day i submit my letter. During that time, i undertook three person job under my wings without much problem. I hardly complained but i know this wouldnt be enough.

True enough ...when year end arrives, i was only considered slightly above average performer. I dont mind that at all....but when i was told that i hardly do my work, i was very offended. Because during the last 4 months, i undertook my clerk works, my executive works and my own work. Matilah la cam nie....mula2 what i am paid doesnt matter....but when 3 org punya kerja kena bikin sorang, mula la kita fikir yang kita wasn't properly compensated. Mula la any worker who are initially hard-working and honest turns into a lazy and dis-honest one.

Who's at fault??

Partly my own and partly the management for their lack of effort to find a quick replacement.

May be this is all the working of an insane mind or just a 30 year old man frustration.

Ah hell, you can't please everybody .....that's why i starting on my own and get my own money..because i can no longer whore myself just to get a good appraisal at the end of the year. May be that is the real reason....and at the moment, that will good enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gee.. don't we all feel the same way??