Sunday, June 05, 2005

It has been some time...

It has been quite a while since i last blog.

The need to do it has lessen over the days....may be i have longer days at my office and lesser things to say.

I am not complaining for i have been more persistent in my life, i have a new of objective and determined to achieve it.May Allah guide me and show me the right path....i am a weak, a very weak servant but i do try to be a good disciple as much as i can.

Time has been moving very fast, one day you were in your office starting your week and suddenly you are enjoying your weekend already. Time does ..really wait for no man. You just have to make do what you have and fulfilled whatever tasks given.

I have been to a lot of places lately and there i have seen poverty still have a strong grip on most people in the rural areas. In an instance, i wondered whether those kids borned in this environment has a shot of being a fully independent individuals.

Will he get a proper education? Will his parents even afford the school fees? The extra tuition ...the extra set of books?

I was fact, i considered myself extremely lucky for i was borned into a middle income family. I was somehow given the right tools and avenue towards a proper education.

But nowadays, some kids predominantly Malay drops out of school because their parents can no longer afford their school fees. Gone are the days where the school took extra compassion and lend an aid...people need to fend off themselves. You either have it or leave it.

This somehow left me feel emptied and hollowed. Where is aiding this sort of people? Where is Yayasan Kemiskinan? Mana dia Yang Berhormat? Mana dia pemuda Hijau? Mana dia puteri Pink??

Bila Harizal sudah ditangkap akibat tidak pergi PKN, semua heboh dan membahaskan kemunasabahan tindakan ini. For god sake, his family was poor!! He drop out of school when he was 14 yrs old! That should be a beacon to his penghulu or Y.B already?! But no.....let leave him to rot! Only when the papers highlighted his case...sympathy were shown...but believe me, the damage was done long before the aid came....the remorse will always be there!!

Apa nak jadik dgn society kita hari nie? Bila kita sentiasa dimomokkan dgn hiburan demi hiburan sehingga kita alpa dgn kesusahan org lain. Apa kemiskinan harus kita "batik"kan juga baru kita beri perhatian? Apa Harizal harus di "batik"kan juga baru dia tak perlu bayar denda PKN?

Maaf jika saya berbunyi cynical tapi saya pembayar cukai yg tidak tahu kemana perginya duit cukai saya? Bukankah bagus jika duit cukai saya tahun lepas yg beribu2 ringgit itu dibayar kepada keluarga miskin yang hanya mahukan anaknya ke sekolah seperti org lain? Jika mereka tak dapat, ke mana perginya duit ini?

EPF sahaja mempunyai lebih RM16 billion simpanan...sebulan FD sahaja sudah cukup membiayai beberapa kampung ke sekolah selama setahun!

Entah....kita tak perihatin....kita semua lebih suka menceritakan perihal Mawi yang dapat masuk semula AF3 agaknya!!??

1 comment:

zakzak said...

tak banyak org2 kaya yang nak buat macam tan sri mokhtar al-bukhari.
i was hit hard when you said we prefer talking about mawi/af3 rather than this poverty thing.i guess it takes emotional strenght to always think about it...