Wednesday, June 29, 2005


La nie mana aku pie melepak dgn geng2 aku yg kerja sendiri gak, rata-ratanya mengeluh yang project tak ada…kalau ada mesti berebut macam org gila.

Nie lebih ketara project supply atau trading base, ada yang mengadu yg dia masuk sebutharga supply 12 bijik notebook kat satu agensi kerajaan tapi yg masuk sampai 53 company, punya la frust dia.

Competition memang fierce pasal everybody wants to make money, The recent fuel price hike, other goods pun follows suit. Most of the material has increased in price …be it 10 cents or any amount but the effect is there.

So when one so-called “enlightened” minister, claimed that only fuel price increase only gonna effected those who are capital intensive. May be he forgot that even if the industry is human intensive, people travel via cars or motorcycle which requires fuel to run. The last time I checked, cars and motorcycle stills run on fuel…so enuff said, the minister is an idiot!

There has been 3 price hike in a matter of 2 years…in a matter of litres, may be you wouldn’t be effected as much but multiples litres, the effect also come in multiple. I feel sorry for my partner who had to travel quite far to her place of work…that’s I am working harder so that she would not be carrying much of a burden anymore….heh..heh ( I like to tell that in order to please myself…keh..keh)

Tapi hakikatnya sama, duit is getting scarce but the cost of living has been steadily increasing. So cam no?

Memandangkan kerajaan amat berhasrat utk mensupply jarum dan kondom kepada penagih, aku sarankan pada kawan2 aku tadi supaya buka kilang jarum atau kondom. Depa semua pandang aku …sikit lagi kategori nak kena terajang dgn dia org pasal bagi idea bodoh.

Tapi aku teruskan lagi …aku kata nie prevention better than cure, so we must support this. Depa semua marah…kata apa kejadanya nie?!! (Wan Kamaruddin of “Edisi Siasat” fame will be proud of this word that has become famous since…)

Dia org kata kalau mahu prevent org isap dadah, bagi education at school that drugs is dangerous. Depa kat US, the government spend billions on the danger of drugs at schools and university. That should be a better alternative rather than giving needles or condoms. Depa kata kalau di drug addict dah high on cocaine, bila la pulak nak sarung kondom?? Mind you, putting that thing on is quite a challenge on its own…heh..heh.

Baik educate school children, kata depa. Dari bagi jarum and condom, yang mungkin depa jual balik…baik letak drug addict nie kat satu pulau dan bagi medical attention kat sana. Lagipun, depa kata sakit nie depa yg carik sendiri…so tanggung sendiri,

Aku tanya kalau yg kena anak dan bini mereka, salah dia org gak ker??

Semua diam.

Hebat gak aku yek??

So apa pendapat korang?


It has been quite some time since I last blog.

Bukan tak mahu tapi masa tak berapa nak mengizinkan.

So much has happen, I practically do not know where to begin.

The last couple of weeks has been quite hectic to say the least…tapi sebagai org yang bekerja sendiri, lebih baik tiada masa utk melepak daripada asyik melepak kerana itu menandakan awak tiada kerja…awak tak ada kerja, maka tiada gaji…hey, itu yg aku takut.

I have managed to secure a big job with our biggest clients, alhamdulillah…that project will eat up my weekend until August. In the meantime, I am finalizing another big proposal that will hopefully keep me occupied until raya.

Malas nak fikir lagi jauh takut tak terbuat…bukan tak mahu, hendak tu hendak tapi takut tak terlayan ..maka tak berjalan lak. Mungkin itu bezanya businessman Cina dgn Melayu, aku ada sedikit takut utk undertake multiple job in the hundred thousand while they probably take it in their stride.

Dalam masa tu, ada la sekor kutu kat tempat client kita org…kerja admin tapi tak la besar pangkat mana pun….tapi gayanya mengalahkan senior manager. Boss dia namanya A, besar la pangkatnya tapi tak ler eksen mana.

Aku biasa deal dgn A aje pasal dia decision maker tapi mamat sekor nie, S, sibuk ler…buat2 dia tahu..mencelah sana sini. Aku kira baru, so aku diam ajelah. Partner aku advise aku supaya jangan layan dia sangat…so I take heed the advice ler.

So masa kami dapat LOA big project tuh, dia call our officemate, Mr H, mintak duit kopi. Kalu sikit tak pe…mintak RM5,000.00 la pulak. Dia mengadu masalah kesihatan dia la apa laa…kata nanti the RM5K nanti tolak komisen dia dgn Mr A la..

Personally, aku tak ada masalah bagi duit dgn dia kalau dia betul2 susah tapi cara dia tak kena. Aku tahu lifestyle dia mewah…dia setakat executive biasa aje, gaji dia RM1,600.00 tapi dia pakai Perdana V6, jam tangan Tag Hauer RM5k, baju Valantino dan pakai talipon 3G. Umur dah jejak 36 tetapi masih menyewa…

Dulu sebelum aku masuk, partner aku ada bagi dia sikit duit sebagai tanda terima kasih tolong kami dapat project besar. Dia amik ¾ dari jumlah tu dan bagi A sikit . Dia kabo kat A yang itu aje yg dia dapat…padahal dia dah kebas dekat RM18K. Mana tak panas A dgn dia bila dia dapat tahu.

Aku tahu dia kuat berpolitik dgn platformnya UMNO dan sibuk dgn launching Putera UMNO. Dia selalu lepak Lotus sampai pagi…agar GRO mana2 yang tak dapat teksi…dia boleh tolong hantarkan balik. Pendek kata….duit nie macam air la pasal berlagak kaya tapi sebenarnya papa.

Aku sebenarnya marah tapi pasal partner aku dah sikit berumur, so aku cepat cool laa….kalau ikut nafsu mahu aje aku tempeling kepala dia. Bukan apa, kawan2 aku umur ratanya belum jejak 30 tapi boleh simpan duit beli rumah, settlekan kereta, kahwin. Nie pada aku menunjukkan kawan aku lagi matang dari setan sekor nie..

Nego la jugak bila bersemuka..tapi lebih sibuk ceritakan susah dia daripada nak faham susah aku, aku nak bertekak pun tak guna mahu tak mahu bagi la jugak. Tapi aku tak bagi sebanyak yg dia mintak ler…aku bagi separuh aje. Ikut nafsu aku, aku mampus tak bagi pasal aku tahu dia bukan buat apa pun…dia tumpang nama aje pasal yang buat paper dan proposal, boss dia A yang buat dari awal sampai abis.

Bila aku tanya lebih sikit mampus dia tak boleh jawab tapi kelentong dia, masya-allah punya la pusing sampai Alor Star baru dapat cover satu point.

Aku terima hakikat yg org macam nie mesti ada punya, tapi aku tak sangka la sampai macam tu gayanya. Buat masa nie aku buy time dulu laa….esok nanti si malaun tuh mintak lagi, siap la nanti…

After all, it is the time when the Sith has its revenge!!!


Friday, June 17, 2005


Early in the morning, I received multiple SMS-es congratulating me on my day of inception to this world. Yup…I am hitting the big 3-0! So most question asked me …how do I feel about hitting the initial 3? I appreciate all the gesture but ....

Well…to be honest with you, I don’t feel anything. Personally, I am not that big on birthdays especially mine, not that big on New Year celebration either. I am not that kind of a person who drawn up a long list of resolutions of what I ought to be in the end of the year. I am also not the person that needs to be governed by a certain numbers that much…except the numbers on the purchase orders I received or the numbers on my paycheck ler…that I really care!

Don’t get me wrong…it is not that I am a kill joy or anything…there are moments that I felt that I have come of age…like when I get circumsize heh..heh. Or the first wet dream, or first kiss, the first second base…the first wife (erm..ermm), the first child, the first car, the first house…but it is more of a long series of accomplishment rather than a milestone that I set to achieve at a certain age.

Some of the friends I had since my school and univ. days told me that I hardly change…still the one who plays pranks, crack senseless jokes and a kid at heart. Nie buskin masuk bakul angkat sendiri but an honest response by old acquaintances. Age is a number, for me, and that’s about it. It should not be a barrier or a threshold to do whatever…

I remember reading an article by Rina Omar on Sunday mail about hitting the big 3, (yes…she is the current host of quickie on 8TV)…about lifestyle that change with age, when you start reading Cosmopolitan rather than Remaja, you started taking vitamins supplement, sleep earlier because the body is no longer have the same metabolism rate and jest of life.

May be it’s true but I don’t see myself suddenly stop listening to music sang by Justin Timberlake, Anuar Zain, Robbie Williams in favour of Pavarotti, Symphony No.5 or Engelbert Humperdink. Or I stopped playing futsal, enjoying my lepak time with my buddies… (who are younger than me).

A day is still day no matter what pans out to be. Personally, I believe an average day that is mired with works and meetings can be the most exciting day in your life or a day out in Gunung Tahan planned for months turned out to be a dud because the rain couldn’t stop pouring. Who knows what lies out there….everyday can be exciting, perhaps we can be bold and brave enough to try something new…perhaps everyday will be a new day.

Well, at the moment I need to see my doctor…my back is hurting me! May be a sign of old age…..



Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A life in a day of a small time and sometime small minded businessman….

Today I presented a drawing that will make the company bigger, undoubtedly….May Allah shows me the way ahead and ease the passage through….

I believe we had done what best effort we can mustered through this aging frame, the will stays strong and self belief undeterred. It left me wondering though about those who has had tried their hand on business…many were burned, many were left broken and many has become financially independent.

I had seen quite a few of my partner colleagues, who were left almost penniless after their business failed. Once were a driver of Toyota Prado and Mercedez “Avantgarde”… now forced to drive a kancil for he has lost everything. Another was a successful business for years in a real estate industry, fully paid his house before his 35th Birthday…were driving BMW and holidaying in Spain in 1996…all were wash away in the wake of financial crisis of 1997-98. Now, he drives a taxi to supplement his wife income….lucky his house is fully paid la kan

Of course, there were also many examples of those who are successful …make millions but I am not interested in them but those that I know are usually able to do so because of their “political” connection. Only genuine people who have to go through tick and thin, self reliance…and sheer determination….be a better person out of this sort of experiences. Believe me! you cannot learn this in Harvard, The Apprentice, AF or Nona. I applauded them for not only they wade the water with all their might…the families becomes closer as well. The wife joins the working population again, the children started to save and becomes good students because they know educations will provide them with better prospect.

Only god knows where this road gonna lead me on….but I will try my very best ..should I fail, perhaps there is a lesson I learn from that too…and should I succeed ..may I be a philanthropist and an evil sith lord!

Working on your own has its own benefits and disadvantages too…but I have no complaint because I choose to be here. Who knows what is right or wrong huh? We all try our best in anything…be it in our work and relationships.

Till then…may you find your peace!

Monday, June 13, 2005

The tale of two brothers,,,

Once, there was a family known as Malaysia. In 1985, they were blessed with their first born, Proton.
The family loved Proton all they can. They gave Proton everything. They protected Proton from the bigger
boys in Kindergarden. They told Proton, "You're young, you need protection from them. It's okay to
make mistakes, you're young. Even if you don't learn from's are young."

Proton became spoilt. He always depended on parents and used up all his allowance on useless things.
When he had to do his chores, he paid people to do it and the work is lousy, causing the parents having
to call repairmen to fix all the mess that he made.

Anyway, when Proton was 10 (but he still acted like he is 1 or 2 years old), he had a younger brother,
Perodua. At first, everyone thought this younger brother will be like Proton. Anyway, this new baby was more
handsome and looks smarter than Proton. Malaysia knew there is a possibilty Perodua could be smarter
than Proton. Since they love Proton so much, they decided that Perodua can only learn a few things. Cannot
learn the same thing as Proton. This is so that Perodua wouldn't beat Proton at what Proton is doing.

Although Perodua was also protected by Malaysia, he learn to be independent very fast. He made good
friends with Daihatsu, who had an elder brother Toyota. The two of them helped Perodua in everything.
Perodua, being independent and smart, learnt a lot and in a short while, was becoming as good as, if not better, than Proton.

Malaysia realized that Perodua was becoming better than his brother.Although proud of Perodua, they still love Proton best.

They paid Lotus (which is older and well known worldwide) to be friends with Proton.
Using this advantage, Proton mentioned Lotus everytime he wanted to tell people about himself. On this own,
he was still the same.

Moreover, Proton is always not updated. When doing his work, he still uses the typewriter and refuses to use the computer.

Perodua, so much younger, used the computer, with broadband for his work. Perodua was improving so much that
Toyota has assigned him with his work, codename Avanza 2005.

Proton is 20 years old, Perodua only 10. It was obvious that Perodua was the more successful of the two siblings.
What is worse,Proton said he still need his parents to help him for another 10 years. He still need to protection from the big boys.
In May 2005, Perodua was about the show Malaysia his best work so far...codename Myvi. Proton, being jealous...quickly
came up with an unprofessional remark about Perodua's work and show his work at the same time as Perodua on purpose.

The future of Malaysia and her two kids are still unknown. But it would be obvious that Perodua will shine, leaving Proton crying.

It would be a wonder if in 2015, Proton will ask Malaysia for another 10 years of help and protection...maybe this time...
protection from Perodua as well........

Sunday, June 05, 2005

It has been some time...

It has been quite a while since i last blog.

The need to do it has lessen over the days....may be i have longer days at my office and lesser things to say.

I am not complaining for i have been more persistent in my life, i have a new of objective and determined to achieve it.May Allah guide me and show me the right path....i am a weak, a very weak servant but i do try to be a good disciple as much as i can.

Time has been moving very fast, one day you were in your office starting your week and suddenly you are enjoying your weekend already. Time does ..really wait for no man. You just have to make do what you have and fulfilled whatever tasks given.

I have been to a lot of places lately and there i have seen poverty still have a strong grip on most people in the rural areas. In an instance, i wondered whether those kids borned in this environment has a shot of being a fully independent individuals.

Will he get a proper education? Will his parents even afford the school fees? The extra tuition ...the extra set of books?

I was fact, i considered myself extremely lucky for i was borned into a middle income family. I was somehow given the right tools and avenue towards a proper education.

But nowadays, some kids predominantly Malay drops out of school because their parents can no longer afford their school fees. Gone are the days where the school took extra compassion and lend an aid...people need to fend off themselves. You either have it or leave it.

This somehow left me feel emptied and hollowed. Where is aiding this sort of people? Where is Yayasan Kemiskinan? Mana dia Yang Berhormat? Mana dia pemuda Hijau? Mana dia puteri Pink??

Bila Harizal sudah ditangkap akibat tidak pergi PKN, semua heboh dan membahaskan kemunasabahan tindakan ini. For god sake, his family was poor!! He drop out of school when he was 14 yrs old! That should be a beacon to his penghulu or Y.B already?! But no.....let leave him to rot! Only when the papers highlighted his case...sympathy were shown...but believe me, the damage was done long before the aid came....the remorse will always be there!!

Apa nak jadik dgn society kita hari nie? Bila kita sentiasa dimomokkan dgn hiburan demi hiburan sehingga kita alpa dgn kesusahan org lain. Apa kemiskinan harus kita "batik"kan juga baru kita beri perhatian? Apa Harizal harus di "batik"kan juga baru dia tak perlu bayar denda PKN?

Maaf jika saya berbunyi cynical tapi saya pembayar cukai yg tidak tahu kemana perginya duit cukai saya? Bukankah bagus jika duit cukai saya tahun lepas yg beribu2 ringgit itu dibayar kepada keluarga miskin yang hanya mahukan anaknya ke sekolah seperti org lain? Jika mereka tak dapat, ke mana perginya duit ini?

EPF sahaja mempunyai lebih RM16 billion simpanan...sebulan FD sahaja sudah cukup membiayai beberapa kampung ke sekolah selama setahun!

Entah....kita tak perihatin....kita semua lebih suka menceritakan perihal Mawi yang dapat masuk semula AF3 agaknya!!??