Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Life like this....

It has been hectic.

The inability of Liverpool beating Chelsea the other day left me feeling numb for days.

Deep inside, i knew we were the better team....we match them man to man for almost 80 minutes. Well, that's the punch line...almost. So close yet so far. It was unfortunate...but fate is fate.


Do we ever have a hand in it? Determining our course of action....or at least the ability to chart the way to our own liking.

To often we heard our fellow muslim, resign and give up their life works simply because " Dah takdir...apa nak buat?". It is ironic because we learn in school through hadith and quranic translation that " Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib kamu melainkan kamu mengubahkannya sendiri."

Entahlah...personally, i believe that we do have a hand in our fate...charting our course of action but the master plan is there..we just pick up and learn what we can along the journey. As i said before, i do not believe in wrong and right choice for there is no such choice.

In life, there is no clear cut way of doing things. If what is wrong is still wrong but kita takkan tahu choice apa yang salah pasal kalau kita tahu....takkan kita saja nak pilih yang salah? Bodoh la kan....

It doesnt matter what is right or wrong...but whether we are able to live with the decision we make. If it is a mistake....admit it and clear your chest. I made so many mistakes...either to family, to my partner, my offspings and those who are dear to me...but i have yet to say i regret the things i made or said. I make mistake...i am sorry but do i regret it happen? In all because i have to learned from my live by it. It is hard but so far, i have managed, god willing...i will still on manage it.

Live your life to the fullest but also ready for the consequences should things go wrong, baru la macho!!!


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