Too often we thought so highly of ourselves.
Is it just a problem of over-confident or just plain human?
We often have this unshattered self belief that we can do all sort of thing but in fact, we may not be able to do it in the first place.
Surely, there must be a clear line between what we dream and what we can really achieved.
Unfortunately, in life ...there is no such line that we can see and define.
I remember one conversation i had in my high school days about what we can be in the future while puffing cigarettes in one dark, secluded corner of the school. One guy asked..."Lepas sekolah kita nak jadi apa haa......???" Half baked question but a question nonetheless.
One smart alex answer.." I always wanted to be an engineer, my brother seems to be just nice with the job...i think i gonna do that"
I as always.." Tengoklah nanti...tapi mungkin amik accountancy kat univ.esok kot....dan jadik accountant la nanti..."
The other..." Aku ingat aku nak jadik perdana menteri "
All of us broke into laughter....: MUahahahahhahhahhhahaha"
The guy that uttered the PM word was none to please with our response.
"Apa ko ingat aku tak boleh ke?"
The usual smart response " Bukan tak boleh tapi bio la realistik sikit...."
" Apa yang tak realisticnyer, aku boleh apa....kita belajar betul2, dan kita tentukan halutuju kita"
"Boleh tuh boleh....apa dalam mengejar impian, kita pun kena tahu kemampuan kita, maximum ability kita...baru boleh plan.."
"Alah korang nie biasa la Melayu, tak reti bagi sokongan....tahu nak tembak aje, bagi la encouragement sikit...baru boleh kita sama2 maju!!" A controlled angry response.
" Bukan nak patahkan semangat ko! Jika ko rasa ko boleh...aku sokong kau, buatlah apa yang ko rasa bagus tapi kalau ko masih isap rokok dgn aku kat sini, langgar undang2 sekolah...selalu ponteng prep...disiplin ko teruk tak sejauh mana pun ko boleh pergi"
" Jika ko tak mampu nak disiplin diri ko, macamana ko esok nak disiplinkan wife ko, anak2 ko, family ko, org kampung ko..apatah lagi negara nie?!" Another controlled angry response.
" Apa?! Ko ingat aku tak mampu berubah?!! Hey...hendak seribu daya tak mahu seribu alasan tau"
" Kalau betul ko nak berubah, ko blah sekarang! Ko pie study sana kerana selagi ko duduk sini macam aku....ko buang masa!! Baik ko blah sekarang!" Now uncontrolled angry response...
I hardly uttered a word during the conversation becoz it was way too deep for me ...heh..heh i was still enjoying my youth.
That was 10 years ago....the other guy is an engineer working in Halliburton(Oil and Gas industry)...true enough he stick his word. The one who envision to be a PM is still trying but need to try harder for recently he was caught and charged by the police for cheating and giving false information to others ( nie kes tipu bagi RM3K dapat notebook and handphone la nie).
I remember that conversation becoz it reminds me of the humble beginning we all started of with. While others reach for the stars..some just make do. If you believe in your dreams by all means go for it but you must also be realistic becoz you could end up dissapointed with your inability to realise your dreams.
Be cool and be true to yourself, becoz the moment you fail to believe in your ability, so does everyone else.