Friday, February 25, 2005

Feeling wanting more...

The feeling struck me like a lightning.

I wasn't really think about it....

But it came out of the blue...

It just did....

May be subconciously it has lingers and habors for quite some time.


May be it is a sign of old age.....may be i am just stubborn

Perhaps reaching a certian threshold of patience.....perhaps i am sick of the way the world works...

Now...i felt that i wanted more....not just a job, but a job that i can plotted its course.

I wanna control my own destiny ....i have trouble with taking orders from people who couldn't the job properly the first time.

Nearing 30 years old come June, may be i realised that i should have done more with my life.

Arriving ashore in Malaysia after my long journey abroad, life was hard was recession.

Job were hard to come by....and now almost 8 years later, job still hard to come by.

The time is nigh.

I am to know what really lies out there in KL.

I am ready...after years preaching to others (especially my friends) that we should chart our own destiny.

I have decided to quit my job.....

and starts something on my own.

Pray for me.....

Pray for me that i succeed and may be one day....

I can turn back and say..

Your prayers push me on...and on.

God bless...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all the best bro. Hattori,
i pray your courage doesn't fade over time. i guess it'll be hard for you in the future, but semangat biar kuat, doa biar ikhlas.
all the best again bro. :)