Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Far and between

Been neglecting my blog for quite some time now….

Not becoz I wanted to…but damn too tired to do anything about it.

A lot has been happening…one of my friend got married, so good luck !

One of my ex-office colleague has passed away due to asthma.

My brother got married again after his painful divorce three years ago and…

I still yet to complete my project at Wisma Genting. Things sometimes move slowly when you lack the necessary funds.

In business, the moment you kinna missed the payment from your paymaster is very painful for the business.

I am not destitute yet but the worries takes away your peaceful, you heart pounding non-stop, you are unsure about what lies….many bad thoughts attacked your mind.

I know that everything will be fine in due time but in the meantime, only god knows laa..

Well you know what cannot destroy you…can only give you countless headache and prone to suicidal behaviour..muahahhah

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