Friday, December 02, 2005


I read interesting on the ongoing saga on Mr Nguyen impending date with the gallows in Singapore. Mr Nguyen was sentenced to death by hanging in a Singapore court for trying to smuggle 400 gram of heroin from Vietnam via Singapore.

Being an Australian, it bound to be an international crisis.

So one wise minister from Australia, who happen to be the Foreign Minister , said “ Singapore should not hang Mr Nguyen! Any first world country would have forgo death penalties because it is uncivilized”

He also said the same thing when we hang two Australian for the same offence back in the late 90s.

Somehow, I am amused by all these statements la.

Australian have this unshakeable believe that everyone of their citizen is a model citizen. Leslie Michelle, who has just been release from a Bali prison was also given superior treatment. She was acquitted on drug offences as well.

I donno la…first, the statement that any first world country should forgo death penalty is totally oxymoron. US obviously a first world country( a term to divide used by the so called “ wise man”) still practices death penalty. Takkan la tak pernah tengok “ Dead Man walking”. Texas still have death penalty….George Bush is from Texas he must have decided “ well, I executed all these criminals legally in Texas…why not I continue the good work in Afghanistan and Iraq?”

Kalau ader Australian citizen arrested for any crimes in any Asian countries, Australian government is bound to make waves. This is a nation build by criminals from Great Britain and castaways from their home land. That fact alone is somehow ironic because they believe that every citizen of theirs is goody two shoes defies logic for me. Isn’t there a saying that what goes around…comes around. Or Once a thief…forever a thief?

Haiya …double standard laa…we have no qualms in having Malaysian committing high tech fraud in Austrakia. That Chinese guy amassed almost AUSD 1.8 million cheating banks and casinos. Well, you go dude!! At least we Malaysian know that in true spirit of Malaysia Boleh, we can be world beaters if we focus.

So…take it on a chin la aussies! Tak payah guna media to create sympathy to any of your citizen that happen to commit a crime. He did it so face the consequences laa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bang, amik saya keja ngan abang pls !!!!!!!!! plssssss!!!!!!!! tak tahan dah keja kat sini!!!!! sob..sob.............. :-(