Friday, November 12, 2004


Finally, we are at the end of Ramadhan. Not that i want it to end nor i wish it last forever usual at the end of every Ramadhan, i have this bubble in my stomach popping every hours sparking notion that i can do better in terms of my Puasa and terawih ...well the hour is nigh and i can only hope and pray that next year will be better...insya-Allah.

How your Ramadhan? I hope everything is well and first week was ok, then as usual becomes hectic later on. My following week was bombarded with berbuka pausa invitation. Orang dah kenalah datang ye tak? Kang dikatanya sombong laa....networking tak bagus ler...CRM tak up ler...macam2 ler, anyway there i was hopping from one hotel to another, Hilton, JW Marriot, KLGCC, KDE, Grand Maya, Concorde and Tupai-Tupai. To say the least has become a culture for Malaysian especially corporate bodies to entertain their client relentlessly in this month. Is this good??

So following that eating spree...i believe i am putting on weight rather than losing it, damn those oysters! Alawei...must be difficult doing this ya? Guess need to start playing futsal rigourously after Raya to gain my natural posture..heh..heh

So at this juncture, i would like to take this opportunity to say " SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI" to all my fellow bloggers ...and happy holidays as well. May this raya be more merrier than last year and the mother of all Raya of all time.

To those who had lost their loved one in this trying times, know that those who has left us has gone to better place and ALLAH loves them. All our prayers to our long departed grandpa, grandma,uncle, auntie,father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, nephew, wife, husband, son, daughter or friends who are dear to us.


1 comment:

yatot said...

selamat hari raya bro.. lama yer cuti..