Monday, July 31, 2006


Alhamdulillah, the project that we worked hard to secure for the past 3 months has been awarded to us. Not only did we fight a fair fight, we fight a good fight as well. Tak ada cut corners mana2..

So, naturally kena bekejar sana-sini, carik material dan credits. Project of this scale, requires at least RM300K to ensure a smooth flow of the whole proceeding, mana la aku ada RM300K dlm bank….dah la akaun company tak pernah audit sejak 2002, macamana lak nak hantar bank mintak financing…kepala pun pening, ada gak org baik hati nak propose inject funds, so it is welcome.

Enough of that…

Lo and behold, earlier this year I wrote about the shambles of FAM, and true to latest FAM rankings, Malaysia is ranked at number 146 in the world. Hooray…we are breaking into new barriers!! We are now behind St.Kitts and Nieve and some back water countries. This is a true achievement of a governing body that is given RM6M grant by the govt. every year.

While many argued…oh it is not the fault of FAM alone, they are just a regulatory body. Enough bull la, what some Ministers in the Parliament is asking now is that the FAM Secretariat is to resign, aiyo…why only the secretary? The President, Vice-President resign la sekali…..lama sangat dah, kalau makin maju..ok la jugak tapi makin mundur, public sokong myteam dari M’sian team!!

Nak kata salah FAM totally pun tak betul jugak, salah Ministry of Education pun ada, salah direction Kementerian Sukan dan Belia. Why I say that? During my time as a school kid, there were 6-8 subjects during my primary schools spread evenly throughout the week, leaving 1 hour of physical education, if you are selected for the school team, a half day off.

La nie..subject kat sekolah terlalu banyak, buang padang kasik bikin computer lab, pusat sumber. Well, all that is good...tapi mana prinsip, healthy minds come from healthy bodies? Ada sekolah bersenam dalam kelas aje, apakejadahnya semua ini??

Dalam masa yang sama, ada menteri yg hairan kenapa budak2 di sekolah dalam kategori obesiti..mana tak obese kalau senam langsung tak ada, rumah flat, balik rumah sebat tido, mak bapak pun kaki malas bersenam, maka anak2 tak ada cardio exercise, kat sekolah pun sama, masa PE tinggal 30 minit, apa boleh buat, maka anak2 ini berlarilah setempat utk 5 minit, berpeluh la sedikit...adakah ini mencukupi?

Mestilah tak cukup, kekadang aku tak faham apa yg MOE kita nak kejar agaknya? Adakah bila kita ada student score 15A-18A masa SPM, justly indicate that we are a developed country? I beg to differ….Singapore adopted A-Level as the yardstick for University entrance, widely recognized throughout the world.

How many subject in A-level? Minimum 3 ….maximum 5(I think), just imagine studying 3 subjects for 2 years prepping for the subject. Barulah faham subject yg dipelajari bukan macam budak sekolah sekarang yg scratch the suface aje.

Tu sebab banyak masalah social, tak faham fungsi diri dia dalam society, maka terjebak la dalam Black Metal, berpeleseran la di shopping Mall, naik motor ramai2 berkonvoi sana sini, rasa hebat RX-Z berbunyi bingit di pagi buta. Yang bodohnya teramat, budak2 nie rata2nya sama kulit dgn aku, MELAYU yg bengap!!

MELAYU yg bodoh main moto hingga ke pagi buta, entah apa natijahnya...bila dah ramai, ada lak yg kaki cadang masuk nite club, disco....minum la todi...terbaik!!

Malas la nak citer...sebab memang terasa bodohnya, sama la dgn sesetengah Menteri yg kita ada, cakap macam org tak ada pelajaran sebab ada antara mereka keluar statement cuba memperbodohkan org lain, akhirnya dia nampak bodoh? Ingat Datuk Syed kes ”Tutup Sebelah Mata”, Ingat Samy Vellu dan statement ”kereta lembunya”, ingat Lim Keng Yaik dan statement ” Kayu balah=kayu balak?”

Peh ..bestnya duduk Malaysia!!!

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