Thursday, January 27, 2005 it out there?

On my way to work....

Glimpse of faces i saw along the way....

Be it man, woman or child....

I began to wonder what lingers in their heart.

A man driving a BMW alone.....listening to his he happy?

I wonder further...his eyes throws a long gaze....probably thinking about work.

I looked on my left....a man driving his Wira aeroback with his wife, both look at a different way...probably something happen on the way to work that froze their conversation...

I look ahead...a couple on a motorcycle, the wife hugging the husband tightly, happily chatting...perhaps reminiscing what happen late last nite. Giggling and pat her husband repeatly...may be..may be.

Drove further....another stop... due to the presence of a traffic policeman.

The young policeman...ushering a zillion cars to different path. He commandeer his job with smiles though, may be he is at peace.

Again...i look right. A young executive perhaps....driving his blue Satria, singing some tune along with the radio while puffing a cigarette. Perhaps he is happy because he felt he is made...finally, i am here..may be that is what he is thinking.

I look left another man in his late 30s...driving an old Iswara, also puffing a cigarette. Again the long gaze with a large scale frown. He look tired and worn-out...probably been staying up all nite due to some problem. Perhaps some loan he need to settle.....or his wife wants a new car but he couldnt afford it....or trouble at work...who knows, but i felt his pain...and his un-happiness.

Looking ahead...a young woman in her kurungs, sitting on her scooter waiting for the traffic policeman to waive "Go". In her UKM jacket probably from her university days, she waited patiently....totally focus on the policeman. Probably eager to reach her workplace to clear off her desk from being totally cluttered...or a male friend waiting patiently at some cafetaria near her workplace.

Are they all happy ...the middle-age man in his BMW? The couple in the wira aeroback? The young executive? The young lady on her VS150?

May be they are all happy....i just didnt know it...may be they were happy 30 minutes ago...or they gonna be happy 10 minutes later. Lucky i can't read mind....or i might drown myself in their thoughts.

As i reach the lifts to my office....i look at the myriad of faces waiting to go up to their respective floors...are they happy?

Then..i asked the last question that beg to ask...." Am i happy?"

Multiples stop before i reach my destination while in the lift....slowly i raise my gaze and muttered slowly...

" Happy is such a strong word...a tad too extreme actually....."

" I am more of a "content" person than a "happy-happy" person"

" I dont complaint that much and i dont work that hard for some goals i set in is more of a play that i acted on smaller scale in each minute...." safe huh??


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A victim...

I am a victim....

A victim of time...

A victim of consequences...

A victim of causality....

A victim of popular belief...

A victim of fashion.....

A victim of fad....

A victim of my own dreams...

A victim of my own beliefs....

A victim of perceptions....

What else have i not fall victim into?

There must something that may end this....

There must be something that can stop this....

There must be something that can remove me from being stigmatised....

There must be....

There must be....

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

How to tell....??


1. The guy will try to make you laugh.
2. He'll flirt with you when he can.
3. He might try to show off around you.
4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.
5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.
6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.
7. He might call you for no good reason.
8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.
9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his


1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.
2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.
3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.
4. She might try to make you jealous.
5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.
6. She might start talking to your friends.
7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of
8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice
you are.
9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy
except you.
10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Tips untuk disayangi suami...

hari nih cam biol sket! tapi sumernyer masih terkawal. tapi ade tips untok
pompuaan² yg teringin nak masok syurga dan disayangi laki memasing hiks!

1) siapkan segala persediaan suami pepagi nak gi kije. selain brekfes,
siapkan baju, suar, spender, neck tie, stoken.

2) lepas laki mandi teros sambot laki depan pintu bilik air, lapkan badan
dia sampai kering, pakaikan spender, baju, suar sumer sikatkan rambot.

3) sidaikan towel!

4) suapkan brekfes!

5) pakaikan stoken kalo nak masok syurge, pakaikan kasot!

6) panaskan enjin kereta, bukakan pintu kereta, bukakan pintu pagar dan tutup balik pintu pagar lepas laki kuar. jangan bagi jantan lain masok umah ptoih!

7) bile laki balik, mandikan dia dan pakaikan baju, suar cam biase siapkan makan malam dan suapkan dia makan.

8) jangan loper sidaikan towel lepas mandikan laki korang!

9) sesekali belanja laki dinner kat hotel memahal ape salahnyer!

10) bayarkan doit kereta laki, bill tipon dan bayar sekali duit rumah, api,
air, astro dan barang dapor serta service kereta.

11) nak tido tuh, sila berbugil lam keadaan seksi dan wangi. dok lam selimut dendiam tunggu laki dan berikan layanan terbaik sampai laki tido! korang tak puas, korang nyer pasal!kehkehkeh!

12) bertolak ansor, tahun pertama balik raya umah laki, tahun kedua umah laki, tahun ketiga pon umah laki dan begitu jugak tahon² yang seterosnyerrr....

13) kalo membeli belah jangan bior laki bayor. kalo bulih korang bayor sendirik,nak lagik bagos, bayor sekalik laki punyer bebarang yg dia beli hiks!

kalo korang berjaye boat sumer nih, korang la isteri mithali yg akan ke syurga nanti. korang juga
akan disayangi suami hingga ke akhir hayat dan menjadi contoh kepada anak² serta idola kepada isteri orang lain hiks!

Apa yang lelaki fikir tentang apa yang pompuan kata...

ni tips sesaje... bokan sumer camnih... jangan ade
laks yg terase pastu buat huru hara hiks!

kalo laki kate : "alah, tak kan saye datang lambat sikit pon, awak nak naik hangin! bukannye saye tak datang terus!"

dalam hati dia : alamak! sian awek aku tunggu lama,
panas terik pulak tu, lenkali aku takmo lambat lagik arh!

kalo pompuan kate : "sori ekk sayang, saye lambat sikit. lenkali saye tak lambat lagik, saye janji!"

dalam hati dia : alah! tunggu bokan pakai doit pon.
lambat sikit (2 jam) pon nak masam moker!

kalo laki kate : "lenkali nak gi memane gitau! jangan sesuke hati nak merayap merate hala!"

dalam hati dia : saye riso kalo jadik ape² kat awak. awak tak
gitau mane awak pegi, kalo hilang mane saye nak carik awak?

kalo pompuan kate : "saye bokan nak kontrol awak tapi kalo awak
gitau mane awak pegi, takde la saye riso sangat!"

dalam hati dia : jangan harap la awak gi memane tanpa saye. awak ingat saye caye kat awak ke? ntah ape awak buat blakang saye gaknyer!

kalo laki kate : "awak bagi saye kad je? lenkali bagi la kereta ke rumah ke tiket penerbangan ke london ke hiks!"

dalam hati dia : saye tak penah rase spesel camnih. kad awak
bagi ni mesti saye bace berulang kali.

kalo pompuan kate : "mekasih sayang! mane awak tau saye suke bunge? awak ni romantik la"

dalam hati dia : aiseh! bunge jek ke? ingatkan dapat la
rantai emas ke... paling cikai pon dapat la cincin ke... huh!


laki : bile hati dah bersuara molot takyah nak berkata

pompuan : bile molot bersuara, lam hati lain kisahnyer!

Selamat Raya Aidiladha...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Heheh. Sila vote untuk kenyataan artis malaysia yang paling bodoh.

Calon pertama: CHEF WAN

"Tolonglah! ia sebuah kelab tarian dan sudah tentu niat saya pergi
ke sana untuk menari. Bagi saya itu tidak salah

kerana niat saya untuk berhibur sambil bersenam. Bukankah
menari satu daripada riadah seperti aerobik?",

Calon kedua: MISHA OMAR

"Misha rasa gembira menyambut kemerdekaan negara kali ini
kerana kali ini, dapat berduet ngan abang jamal".

Calon ketiga: SYANIE

"Syanie...apakah niat anda apabila anda berjaya mengurangkan berat badan"...

Jawapan dari Syanie.."Niat saya yg pertama..ingin memakai bikini di tepi pantai.....".

Calon keempat: AHLI KUMPULAN X FACTOR (tak tau sapa)

"Saya gembira menyambut hari kemerdekaan kita bila negara kita berjaya
mencapai kemerdekaan pada tanggal 31

Ogos, 1956," jawab salah seorang ahli kump X-Factor apabila ditemubual dalam
satu rancangan khas mengenai kemerdekaan tahun lalu dalam siri
"Bersama Norman" yang disiarkan di TV1.

Calon kelima: FIZA

"Fiza pakai seksi sebab bersyukur dengan pemberian tuhan

True story on how Sri Langka handles the Tsunami?!!

On 26th Dec '04 early morning several hrs before the catastrophe happened, Honolulu Tsunami Monitoring centre have been trying to call[Wicky] our Meteorological Dept. monitoring centre in Pallekelle and Colombo but failed as the department was closed for Christmas.

They also got in touch with the Presidents' office. However, it was informed that she's out of the island on a private vacation.

Finally they called Prime minister's secretariat, but Prime Minister was out on his morning walk.

Thinking at least it's best to keep him vigilant on this, the Honolulu officials left the message with the person who picked up the phone to inform the Prime Minister that there's a Tsunami coming from Indonesia.

On Prime Minister's return, the operator told the Prime Minister about the call, said Tsunami from Indonesia is arriving in 2 hrs. Prime Minister promptly took action to send a delegation to the Katunayake Airport with name boards "Welcome Mr. T. Sunami - Indonesia".

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Blackout and kesakitan yang datang...

It was like any other day...except by 12.16pm, the lights suddenly flickers, i thought..somebody must have use a weater heater like my boarding school days. But i press on keep on typing and suddenly the air-cond stops...and then the lights went out...PC went off as well.


That was what i said...not becoz i had a blacout but becoz i didnt save the bloody file. How i wished i had a UPS then. Haiya.....lepak and frollicking around until my stomach get a better of me....i am hungry and pure boredom beginning to take its toll. I hesitated but decided what the hell la kan...

There i go, descending the steps from the 31st Floor.....

My god, until now ...the betis is killing me!!

Tapi itu aje la nak update...penat dah nie....

Sekian, saya yang sakit kaki turun tangga kerana TNB lupa bayo bill...muahahahhahahahh!!1

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Arabs and its world..


A letter i get from my mailing list.

Asian victims children of a lesser God?
K Temoc

Jan 12, 05 1:49pm

I refer to the letter Iraq war factor in tsunami aid. I am not entirely surprised by the writer’s defensive spin for the rich Gulf Arab states’ stingy contributions to the tsunami survivors.

I have come across worse cases of such spin, with some even blaming the Americans for 'controlling' these Arab states' purse strings. The only common thread for these excuses appears to be a lack of evidence in their wishful excuses. But I see their frantic need to defend the indefensible,especially in the face of massive and generous aid from the non-Muslim world.

Ironically, the majority of those who perished or who are now suffering due to the tsunami just happen coincidentally to be Muslims. While Malaysia's misfortune has been comparatively light, Indonesia's experience has been unspeakably terrible.

The official death toll is at a frightening 100,000 while the total expected death toll could well be more horrendous. Millions remain homeless, having lost everything they owned. Their rehabilitation may take decades, requiring further billions of dollars.

The world in general, both governments and the general public, has rallied wonderfully to help the victims. Australia, China, Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia, US, even afflicted India and Malaysia and a host of other countries have contributed magnificently, while the UN has played a leading role. Even the IMF has played its part with a massive US$250 million donation.

But as everyone knows, the most disappointing group has been the very rich Gulf Arab states - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and a few others. Despite being badgered by the Kuwaiti and Lebanese press, their donations continued to be shamefully pitiful.

Oil-rich Kuwait, who owes the free world an enormous debt for liberating its people from an invading force some years back, the official response has been disgraceful, ungrateful and uncaring in general. It gave a pathetic US$2 million, and only raised this to an equally shameful US$10 million after its own press had castigated its stinginess.

Meanwhile, Croesus-rich Saudi Arabia, which had promised just US$10 million has reluctantly raised it to US$30 million, again, only after the Gulf press lambasted it for acting the scrooge. But really, only US$30 million for a country blessed with the Midas touch of having a virtually endless supply of black gold.

But the issue goes beyond these rich Arab states' parsimonious attitude. There is in them an inherent racist attitude clouded with religious rationalisation towards their Asian Muslim brethren.

Tarek Fatah, a Muslim leader and television host based in Toronto stated angrily in the Daily Times of Pakistan: ‘The disappointment is not just because of the pathetic contributions by Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. It is compounded by the message being repeated ad nauseam in their mosques and media that the earthquake was a punishment from God for the sins of the people of South and Southeast Asia.

‘The Kuwaitis and Saudi Islamists lecturing the world about morality is an outrage. Or is it that in the eyes of most Kuwaitis and Saudis, the dead belonged to the despised underclass who live as fourth class citizens in the Gulf States. Dark-skinned Indian, Sri Lankan, Indonesian; truck drivers, cooks and maids; all children of a lesser God in the eyes of these Islamists of the Gulf?’

Some food for thought for our Arab-philes.

I just would like to add ...that Michael Schumacher, the all-time great F1 Driver donated US10 million of his money to the victims of Tsunamis. Imagine that...he alone contributed that amount compared to Kuwait, which Malaysian soldeirs help to rebuild. This is the same Arab countries that refused the help their arab brethren in Palestine..eventhough Palestine is even closer to them.

What disgust me the most was the way they throw money away in Malaysia thru unthoughful spending and pure pleasure. Awek Melayu kita pun peluk laa pak Arab nie jugak....tu yang panas tuu!!

Malas nak tulis banyak pasal Arab modern nie....i just felt that they totally forgot where they cam from....a desert dwellers before the advent of our Prophet, Muhamad SAW.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side.

It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.

I forget.

Seperti yang saudara dapat lihat, kelihatan
ayam-ayam itu sedang melintas jalan, mereka bukan
sahaja melintas jalan malah membuang
najis di atas jalan dan ini adalah pencemaran
yang paling hebat di maya pada masa ini.
Bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu Ayam haruslah mengambil
inisiatif untuk melatih ayam-ayam Agar menahan
najis sewaktu melintas jalan, sekian saya sudahi
Ayam di jalan di lintaskan
Ayam di reban mati tak makan

The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat,
the chicken did NOT cross the road.

In order for the chicken to cross the road
safely they not only
need one driver to access the server farm if not
they will hang in
the middle of the road.

Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why
doesn't anyone ever think
to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing
walking around all over the place, anyway?"

I have just released the new Chicken Office
2000, which will not
only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your
important documents,
and unbalance your checkbook

You know, I am tired of all this..'apa-nama'
chicken-chicken bisnes....the foreign powers
should stop
intervening in our domestic affairs and just
leave our chickens alone..... if they want to...'apa nama' cross the
road, they should be allowed to cross the road .. Malaysia is a
democratic country,we let our chickens do whatever they want
to do.... as long as they don't threaten the Malay unity and try to
topple the government...

Ini semua adalah khabar angin sahaja...jangan
percaya khabar - khabar angin ini semua...biasalah ini adalah
taktik pembangkang
untuk memecah belahkan perpaduan ayam - ayam
semua...jangan percaya..jangan percaya....

ayyooyoo...belakang cerita lain kali, kita sude
bikin banyak jembatan, itu ayam musti guna
jembatan untu lintas itu jalan lagi pun kalu itu ayam mau pigi
jalan-jalan,beritau sama saya juga, saya bolley
buat lebbey banyak toll........

I've had so many chicks, I can't remember...

Monday, January 10, 2005

What lies inside in a heart of a broken man??

Past weekend was eventful to say the least. It was hectic to the very core.

Saturday wake up early, send the missus to PWFC for Education Fair. Then rushed off to my workplace. By the time i am scheduled to go to my class meeting, a colleague called me up saying that one of our acquintences suffered a mild stroke and currently being admitted at Damansara Hospital. He is only 38 yrs old and never smoke a bud of cigarettes. Control his diet and only drinks plain water. Why he suffers the stroke only god knows la kan...but i suspect that since he is a soft spoken man and never fight his ground, he kept all in anger inside slowly building up stress mentally. Still, luckily he is still young and hopefully mend his ways later on...why keep your emotion bottle up la kan, just say what you wanted to say...and get on with your life. We Malays are too "sopan santun" in terms of saying the brutal truth.

After that i rushed off to my class which has already started ....i rushed to do the transaction and table up the whole journals. By the time we finished the journals, it was time to play futsal. We are already late as it is for i have to ship severals of my classmate to the place as well. Played like a crazy horse for two hours and ruptured some muscle as well due to lack of warming session, but it goes with the territory la kan. Win by massive margin but clumsy in defence at times.

After that had a long conversation with my friends abt relationships and the way forward. I have little knowledge of the trials and tribulation in being a couple in yuor working life. I met my partner since high school and never looked back ever it wasnt run of the mill love story ler. But my friends seem to have difficulties settling down la kan...some has been in a relationship for more than 7 yrs but currently in a turmoil because of presence of a third party. The sense of betrayal that he felt cannot be measured by me or anyone else. Only he knows...

The other is also in a similar state. He met his soulmate in his university days. It is said by those who knew him then that he is hardly seen without his girlfriend around. Everywhere he goes...she will be there. It was believe that they are THE ITEM la kan....she's being one year younger than brotherly and sisterly.

But after he worked for a year and the girl graduated, things turn sour. The girl started demanding things that he can't hardly provide and the girl family especially the older sister started to backstab him as well saying that should she marries the guy, her life will be a misery. She was confuse and unaware that he is also alienating him as well. The mum decided to steps in...being the matchmaker and marries her off with one of her wealthy friends.

My friend was distraught to say the fact he was devastated.

Till now he cannot maintain a long relationship...I can practically sense fear in his tone and unwillingness to talk abt relationship. He is good looking mind you but history seems to be a bridge too far for him. Even if he meet some girls that he fancies, the relationship turns bad after a couple of weeks. Failure to reach her via phone was instantly diagnosed as a signed that she is seeing a another man. So he is at best touch a go.

So what lies in heart of a broken man? May be it is so dark that even a glimpse of light is becoming uncomfortable even for a moment. Or Perhaps it is like a spring of eternal bleeding. Becoz so many writes abt a broken heart of a woman, i need to write abt theb heart of a broken man. What man cannot have their heart broken ker?? Muahahhahahahah......

Friday, January 07, 2005

Bagaimana nak kuruskan bandan dengan segera!!

Kerna nak kurus

Seorang mamat yg mmg gemuk masuk ke sebuah fitness center dgn niat utk menguruskan badan.

Seorang lelaki di kaunter bertanya kepada mamat
tadi, "Kami menawarkan 2 program di sini... RM50 utk versi 'Biasa' dan RM100 utk versi 'Cepat'.

"Saya ingat nak ambil yg biasa punya sebab saya baru je nak try kuruskan badan", kata mamat tadi. "OK. Encik sila masuk ke bilik NO. 5 di
penjuru bilik sana", jawap lelaki penjaga kaunter.

Mamat tadi pun masuk laa ke bilik yg di suruh lalu
menutup pintunya. Selang 2 minit kemudian, datang laa seorang perempuan yg mmg lawa, cantik, body best, mantap dan segalanya. Dia kemudian
menanggalkan kesemua pakaian sehinggakan mamat tadi dah xsenang duduk dan berpeluh2.

Perempuan tadi berkata, "Kalau tuan dapat kejar saya, tuan bole buat aaaaapa saja dgn saya... hik hik hik" dan dia terus berlari di dalam bilik itu. Mamat tadi pun kejar punya kejar, sampai 10 minit, pun xdapat2 jugak. Dia try lagi sampai akhirnya, dia jatuh terjelepuk ke lantai... pengsan. Apabila dia sedar, dia terus ke penimbang dan mendapati beran badannya telah turun 3kg.

"Wow! Mmg berbaloi aku bayar RM50... mmg senang rupanya nak kuruskan badan", katanya sendirian.

Esoknya, dia datang lagi ke situ dan terus ditegur oleh lelaki di kaunter. Setelah diberitahu program2 seperti semalam jugak, dia bersetuju untuk try versi 'Cepat'.

"OK. Encik sila masuk ke bilik NO. 6 di penjuru
bilik sana", jawap lelaki penjaga kaunter. Setelah beberapa minit didalam bilik itu, datanglaa seorang body-builder yang tough dan terus melondehkan pakaiannya. Body-builder itu berkata, "Saya akan kejar kamu dlm bilik ini dan kalau saya dapat.... hehehe"

Esoknya lelaki tersebut hilang 15KG!!

How Men Decide who to marry??

How guys select the girl they want to marry.....

"Everything that happens has a reason behind..." How guys select the
girl they want to marry.....

A man is dating three women and wants to decide which to marry.He
decides to give them a test. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and
watches to see what they do with the money.

The first does a total makeover. She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets
her hair done, purchases new make-up and buys several new outfits, and
dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this
to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much. he man is

The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts.She gets him a new set of
STRONG golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive
clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent
all the money on him because she loves him so much. Again, the man is

The third invests the money in the stock market.She earns several times
the $5,000. She gives him back his $5000 and reinvests the remainder in
a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future
because she loves him so much. Obviously, the man was impressed. The man
thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money.

Guess which lady he chose to marry?

(scroll down for the answer)

He married the most beautiful one!!!!!!
Men are Men Always!!!

CHild Abuse Rulings!

A seven year old boy from Klang was at the center of a Magistrate courtroom drama Tuesday morning when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him.

The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents, so the judge awarded custody to his aunt. The boy,however, stated that his aunt beat him more than his parents and refused to live there.

Therefore, the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they beat him more than anyone. In a unprecedented move, the judge dramatically allowed the boy to choose who should have custody of him.

Custody was finally granted to the Malaysian national football team this morning as the boy firmly believes that they are not capable of beating anyone.