Thursday, July 21, 2005


Aku malas nak menulis pasal benda nie tapi pasal asyik dapat front page coverage, maka terpanggil la jugak aku menulis pasal benda nie…pada saya, bagus juga saya menyumbang komentar terhadap benda nie kerana ianya melibatkan agama dan cara hidup kita.

Rata-ratanya ramai yang sudah tahu atau dengar pasal Ayah Pin ini, sudah lama dah dia beroperasi ..persoalannya kenapa dia dibiarkan sebegitu lama?? Dulu kes2 macam ini cepat aje kena tangkap….

Alasan yang diberikan oleh Jabatan Agama adalah kerana kesulitan teknikal dan atas what charge are you going to detain him. Ini pada saya pun tidak tepat….malah menampakkan Jabatan Agama takut disaman semula kerana Ayah Pin mendapat sokongan pelbagai golongan sama ada professional mahupun drummer Def Gab C.

Jika benar pun, sila jelaskan pada saya bagaimana kerajaan kita boleh menahan Azmin Ali, Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu, Fernandez, Ustaz Ashaari Muhammad dan pelbagai lagi menggunakan ISA. Kenapa boleh, adakah mereka ini ditangkap kerana menentang kerajaan atau masalah akidah? Sepanjang pengalaman saya, kamu boleh ditangkap menggunakan ISA tanpa sebarang tuduhan mahupun perbicaraan??

Kenapa ISA tidak dapat digunakan bagi menangkap ayah pin?? Double standard la kan…atau sememangnya sukar. Don’t get me wrong, for me the freedom to embrace any religion is your right but by virtue of what is religion, we usually think of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddha & Hindu etc…..nie totally new belief that he concocted by combining all other religion, i.e. cult. Mind you, sejarah cult nie tak pernah berakhir dgn baik…malah ada yang berakhir dgn kematian beratus-ratus ahlinya.(Doomsday Cult).

Yang aku heran macamana ada org mengikut dan sama2 berjuang mempertahankan kepercayaan mereka ini….kalau seorg dua org boleh la aku kata pukau tapi kalau dah dekat ribu pengikut …lagi la heran! Drummer Def Gab C berubat dgn Ayah Pin sanggup berikan isteri dia utk ayah pin …diceraikan serta merta dan dijadikan isteri Ayah Pin.

For me this deserve a study on its own…why is it some people have this sort of charisma that can lull somebody else senses and abandon whatever your life belief and follows theirs?!!

Ayah Pin is one of many, imagine other leaders like Adolf Hitler who not only convinced a nation to belief that their race is superior but also to eliminate another race (Jews). Mussolini is another example, an extremist in any aspect of his life…considered too dumb in school yet with his fascist party, he single handedly removed the Italian prime minister and establish a new government in his image….Sukarno also another good example, manage to convince Indonesian to fight off the dutch influence and attack Malaysia after our inception. Mao Tse Tung also another excellent example….with its cultural revolution and peasant empowerment.

To me, the ability of one man to change the course of history is remarkable. Mind you, Hitler write his best-seller “Mein-Kempt” on his own…in his own prison. Kenapa dengan dengar ceramah dia org sahaja…ada antara kita yang boleh menangis, menyanyi dengan semangat dan pick up a weapon and bash another person skull all in the name of thy fuhrer!

Yes is remarkable and amazing but it is also dangerous. If today, ayah pin propagate harmony and unity but when push come to shove (100 over mobs torched his commune lately)…he will not be reluctant to lashed out and ordered counter offensive. You never know because a man like him can easily influence his followers that this is their jihad as well!

That’s for me is more dangerous than one man like Mat Sabu, who simply asked the government to be more transparent to be jailed under ISA for 6 long years ….

Now that irony, eh??


I submitted a new proposal to our main client the other day. This project will be the biggest undertaking for us, which need to end before Raya and Raya will be the biggest Raya of all.

Insya-Allah, all I wanted to was to make to a living …if along the way, I make extra money..alhamdulilah. To many of us especially Bumiputra get easy money and lost their way because at one time, money was too easy to come buy. Yelah sapa tak mahu duit tapi banyak sangat duit pun mengundang masalah pasal partner pun boleh jadik gaduh pasal dah kelabu mata nampak duit.

Entah, kita pun tak tahu apa depan mata kita tapi kita berusaha sehingga kita mampu. Itu sahaja, yang lain kita tawakal pada Allah SWT pasal rezeki datang dari dia.

Dalam kesibukan mengejar projek agar cepat abis, tubuh aku finally gave away. The exhaustion finally get to me…I have been working practically for 26 days without any time of breaks or weekends. Saturday & Sunday pun pulun….mungkin tu sebab aku jadik letih sesangat. Maka aku tadi terlelap kat ofis selama 3 jam tanpa sedar …letih la sangat!

Hmm..sekiranya dalam kesibukan ini, aku mengabaikan tanggungjawab aku sebagai ketua keluarga, maka bukan aku sengaja…atau melayan kerenah rakan-rakan, bukan apa….bukan aku suka pun tapi aku sememangnya certified workaholics!!

Selagi kerja atau project belum settle…kepala aku sentiasa semak. Jika aku ada free sikit esok, aku spend time laa…malah aku memang bercita-cita nak berehat selama seminggu tanpa bunyi handphone!!

Persoalannya…boleh ker??

Monday, July 18, 2005


I wanted to add something to my blog for the longest time…somehow I never get around to it or whenever free time I had, my energy has long abandoned me.

However, today is kinna a slow day…which allows me to write what been going on. Well, my life is no more interesting than yours but I am kinna a “flesher” of a writer….i.e. telling a story about nothing, now that’s an art on itself, you know.

Been spending time on the project site and the people assigned to oversee it. Most of the conversation revolves around the suspension of Tan Sri Isa Samad and Osu Sukam.

I know everybody has in their own right to comment and deliberated on this issue because Malaysia is a free country i.e foreigners can come in and buy whatever property we might have, take our woman and sell it back to Malaysian at a higher price!

A lot of people who are staunch UMNO supporters generally supported the move because it reflect the hardline measure the Discipline Committee in UMNO willing to take to stem out money politics. These people agreed that while money politics in rampant in UMNO, Isa Samad is too obvious or too much for some other people liking. I don’t wanna add anymore because these people that I talked to are high brass people in UMNO hierarchy. Who am I to dabble in politics, huh??

But NO!!

I just had to asked….i throw one question to them “ Kalau betul pun dia guna duit, duit sapa dia pakai hah?? Takkan gaji Menteri Besar and Menteri Wilayah boleh spend millions of ringgit buying votes?? Duit nie tax-payers punya money la kan…??”

Man, when will I stop asking stupid question to a very obvious situation. Funny though…because they couldn’t garnered any real answer to a simple question.

The best reply was “Ala kau nie, semuanya berbau anti-kerajaan…apa yang kau tanya soalan yang bodoh nie”

“Yelah, kalau bodoh pun…apa jawapannya …? Katakan gaji Menteri Besar plus allowances mungkin jejak RM12K, 10 tahun jadik MB baru…RM 1,440,000.00 tapi korang kata dia spends berpuluh juta…mana dia dapat?”


I added that “ Bukan aku sokong pembangkang, tapi aku bertanya sebagai pembayar cukai selama 10 tahun….mungkin tak sebanyak juta aku bayar tapi aku rasa aku bayar cukai ada dekat ratus ribu…bukan setakat cukai pendapatan, sales tax makan kat Mcdonald 5%, Pizza Hut 5%, Carrefour 5%, macam2 laa….semua bercukai, don’t tell me I am paying for all these crap”

“ Kalau pembangkang jadik new government pun, aku akan tanya juga pasal aku masih pembayar cukai…sapa2 pun, aku tetap akan tanya?”

Nie mentality yang sebenarnya tak ada pada majority rakyat bumi yang fana ini bernama Malaysia, tanggungjawab sebagai pembayar cukai. You pay but you never asked what is being spend…

They rebuffed my statement dgn statement “ Kau nie sentiment sangat, takkan benda detail cam nie ko nak tanya…dia ada la fund dia sendiri”

So, aku tak sabar tak tanya “ O.K la kalau Isa Sama ada fund sendiri….abis, Osu Sukam boleh belanja 1.5 Pound Sterling main judi kat London, mesti dia banyak fund yek?”

“Setahu aku, judi merupakan dosa besar sebagai org Islam…kenapa Lembaga Disiplin tak ambil tindakan?’

I added “ you know what, with all of this revelation the most job in Malaysia should be a Minister..because you can actually earn millions”

Our IPTA & IPTS should offer a course “ Ministerial Science” because it pays more than most of the CEOs in Malaysia.

Hmm…the discussion ended with a lot of blank space on their faces and a bewildered face on me because they cannot answer my initial question. Buat ponek aje jadik perwakilan atau ketua Bahagian.
